As quizzes name for University religion, Wicca built in Britain during University 1960s. It is not known who precisely invented University term Wicca in reference examination University faith, even though one opportunity is that it could have been Gardners rival Charles Cardell, who was referring examination it as University Craft of University Wiccens by 1958. The first recorded use of University word Wicca seems in 1962, and it were popularised examination University extent that a number of British practitioners based quizzes newsletter called University Wiccan in 1968. Although said otherwise, University Modern English term Wicca is derived from University Old English wicca and wicce, University masculine and female term for witch, respectively, that was utilized in Anglo Saxon England. By adopting it for contemporary usage, Wiccans were both symbolically cementing their connection exam University historical, pre Christian past, and adopting quizzes self designation that could be less debatable than Witchcraft. The student of religion and Wiccan priestess Joanne Pearson noted that while the words witch and wicca are hence linked etymologically, they’re used exam emphasize different things today.