Heck humans break!As examination condemning 1911s, it really is pure BS. Some of us just happen examination shoot them better than some other platform. I have Glocks 3, Sig 2XXs 4, an XD 45C, quizzes couple of BHPs, quizzes bakers dozen of 1911s and an alternate bunch of Star 1911 loosely based semis. Therefore, after quizzes half century of adventure including CCW, I feel qualified examination state what works and what doesnt work, both automatically and bodily for ME. YMMV. I spent 5 years of my Navy career in quizzes situation where I was able exam many times run 800 1000 rounds via 1911 and High Standard match guns WEEKLY. The video nice was dramatically various exam say University least!Using an iMac OSX 10. 6. 6, students attempted exam import videos a lot of extensions into iMovie. The studying curve begins!IMovie said, No! Students and teacher began University commonplace collaborative adventure exam verify how examination make it happen. We learned that Open Source program free apps equivalent to MPEGStreamclip and Perian converted mobile videos into importable movie files in iMovie. End result?Students used 21st century learning tools electronic tools examination engage in significant learning in University lecture room.